Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In an effort to keep things current, I have revamped my Immerland web page. I am finally integrating all my various web faces and places, trying to condense them down to one or two focal points where I can really set my teeth into it.

On this new page, I have more detailed descriptions of my books and hope to keep them up to date with my progress on the fourth book. I have also pulled in the displaced articles that I have accumulated over the years and tried to organize them in categories that have some meaning.

Lunch with Herm and Eutychus has been pulled in under the Parable Project and all the various writings I have done are under the Other Writings category, particularly under the I have something to say now that actually takes you to a series of linked articles I have published on googledrive so I can keep refining them easily as living documents.

On the idea of living documents - Its a simple idea, one that should allow me to keep refining things as I discover new ideas and new ways of thinking about things that I may have thought I was done with. What I am slowly learning it that, I am never done learning, so why should my articles ever be done? If someone comes forth with a new thought that changes my mind, why shouldn't anything that I have written about that be amended?

It is a bit curious to me that I can do this so easily, but my goal is that the day I die, they accurately reflect what I believe then. If anyone asks me what I think, I can certainly point to them and say - "here it is - this is what best reflects what I think". So keep checking back. If you think you know what I think, you best be sure, because it may have changed.

Monday, December 2, 2013

I have made a strategic decision to get serious about my fiction writing again. My goal is to work on the next book in the Portals of Tessalindria series and have the first draft done by the start of the new year. Part of the project, suggested by my daughter in law is to make sure my Immerland website is up-to-date so I have done that - Its an extensive site and I decided to incorporate all the different aspects of my writing, including the non-fiction writing about ideas that people frequently ask me about but require more indepth consideration than an ordinary conversational encounter has time for. They can be found there and are worth wading through if you really want to answer your question, "What do you think about ...."

If you have something you are wondering about, but it is not in the list or is on the list of things but it is not actually written, feel free to poke me. There is nothing like a genuine inquiry about some topic that would inspire a bit of energy for writing it down. :-)

I have included the extant entries to my Lunch with Herm and Eutychus, my thoughts on the Parable Project, lots of stuff related to my books, a a few mundane (non-spritual) things I have written for public interest that I think are unique and will not likely be found somewhere else.

Please feel free to visit the new site at         www.immerland.com

I will try to be more diligent in keeping this all alive and interesting as I post new thoughts.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

There is a legend about Albert Einstein, that he was invited to speak at a prestigious dinner and when it came time to speak, he stood at the podium and simply said, "I have nothing to say.", then sat down. The attendees were justifiably disappointed. A few months later, he called the organizers of the event and said, "I have something to say now."

If I ever find a way to verify this legend, I will post it here, to be sure. Einstein's lateness in such a setting disqualified him from being able to say what he had to say, but with the technologies of the blogosphere and linked web pages it is no long impossible to miss the audience just because you are late to the event.

"I have something to say now ..." is just that - I have come to the conviction that it is time to begin posting a varied collection of ideas, in no particular order, that have formed my view of life.

It is important to accept that this is ME - any similarities that it might have to YOU are incidental. I accuse no one of thinking differently than me, although I know this to be absolutely true. I challenge everyone to read carefully and thoroughly. I reserve the right to change my mind on anything I am challenged on and I will gladly express that here or in associated links with credit to the challenger. My goal is to express my thinking and then continue to refine that.

This link will take you to the index page of my opinion collection: